Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 53

Yesterday we had a weigh in and measurements. Here's my results!

Initial Measurements (Jan 3):
Weight - 234 pounds
Hips - 53.5 inches
Abdomen - 52 inches
Arms (L) - 15.25 inches & (R) - 15.5 inches
Thighs (L) - 24.5 inches & (R) - 24 inches

Week 8 Measurements (Feb 23)
Weight - 223 pounds
Hips - 48.5 inches
Abdomen - 50.5 inches
Arms (L) - 15 inches & (R) - 15 inches
Thighs (L) - 24.25 inches & (R) - 24 inches

So, what does this all mean?
Weight - DOWN 11 pounds Lost a total of 11 pounds
Hips - DOWN 5 inches
Abdomen - DOWN 1.5 inches
Arms (total) - DOWN .75 inches
Thighs (total) - DOWN .25 inches Lost a total of 7.5 inches

I am happy!

However, I can't help but to think that 3 of the other 5 girls have lost over 20 pounds each. Amazing. I know it is because they are 100% dedicated. I want to be, I really do, but my mind tells me that it's okay to eat things that I know I shouldn't. Then, once I do eat it, my mind tells me to eat something else bad. Some days I can fight this urge and other days I can't.

But, I am happy that I am still loosing and not gaining.

And, I know I have to be able to fight the urge more! I have to get in the mind set like I was when the challenge first started. I have to get pumped up about it again. I have high hopes for our next weight in!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 50

I am a food addict.

Common Characteristics Among Addictive Behaviors:

1. The person become obsessed (constantly thinks of) the object, activity, or substance. Yes, I wake up thinking about food and go to sleep thinking about food.

2. They will seek it out, or engage in the behavior even though it is causing harm. It's true. I know it's killing me. It scares me that I might not see my children marry, etc.

3. The person will compulsively engage in the activity, that is, do the activity over and over even if he/she does not want to and finds it difficult to stop. Sometimes I have a hard time stopping, even though I am going to feel miserable...even though I know I will have GI problems....even though it's killing me.

4. Upon cessation of the activity, withdrawl symptoms often occur. It's true. I start craving everything that's ever tasted good. I get upset quickly if I am hungry but I can't eat.

5. The person does not appear to have control as to when, how long, or how much he or she will continue the behavior (loss of control). I will want to eat something, such as a bag of chips, and when I buy it, I will think to myself "I will only have the serving size so this bag will last me all week." However, I will eat my one serving size but will continue to go back to the bag throughout the day until they are all gone. Or I might even sit down and finish the bag in one serving.

6. He/she often denies problems resulting from his/her engagement in the behavior, even though others can see the negative effects. I used to deny it, but now I know it's true.

7. Person hides the behavior after family or close friends have mentioned their concern. Although I do not hide food, I will eat after everyone is asleep. Or I will get food when there is no one in the car with me.

8. Many individuals with addictive behaviors report a blackout for the time they were engaging in the behavior. This has never happened to me.

9. Depression is common in individuals with addictive behaviors. I do take depression medication.

10. Individuals with addictive behaviors often have low self esteem, feel anxious if they do not have control of their environment, and come from psychologically or physically abusive families. I do have low self esteem. I mean, who wants to look at all my fat? However, I was not abused as a child but I was in several abusive relationships when I was younger.

I do well for a few days and then I feel myself struggling to keep at it even though I feel so much better. I fight the cravings and most of the time I win but when I loose, it's a big loss.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 39

I am not sure if I've mentioned it or not, but I have peripheral neuropathy.

Damage to the peripheral nervous system interrupts communication between the brain and other parts of the body. This can impair muscle movement, prevent normal sensations in the hands and feet (I only have it in the feet), and cause different feelings including numbness, tingling, cold and pain.

Here's are some signs and symptoms:
1. Numbness in toes (yes, I have)
2. Toes start to tingle (yes, I have)
3. Tingling toes will spread up into the feet (yes, I have)
4. Feeling like you're wearing socks when you know you are not (yes, I have)
5. Feet may feel like they're burning and/or freezing (yes, I have)
6. Toes and feet may throb, especially at night (yes, I have)
7. Erratic shooting pain (yes, I have)
8. Feet and toes may sweat (Nope)
9. Skin will be sensitive to touch (yes, I have)
10. In some cases, a loss of sensitivity on the bottoms of your feet (I have this in my toes)
11. Loss of balance and coordination (I do get this)
12. Difficulty walking or standing (sometimes)

Well, because of the shooting pain I have not been sleeping at night. I have been so tired during the day. I have had to withdraw from one of my morning classes because I have never been one of those to function without a lot of sleep. I have been cranky. I just do not feel like myself.

Due to this lack of sleep, I feel like I have not been able to do my training as good as I want. I am not discouraged but I do wish I could train better. Yesterday I got dizzy during our training. That's never happened before.

I am taking medication, however, it has not helped at all. Acupuncture helped my back immediately, so I am going to try acupuncture for my feet too. I have my first appointment next week. My fingers are crossed that this helps!

Who knew that a pair of feet could cause so much havoc on your life!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 37

So, my back has been so much better. NO pain since my 1st acupuncture appointment. My back started getting slightly tight so I went back today. I love it there! Dr. Galvan has miracle hands. After the acupuncture he gives a super massage. I get up from his table almost dizzy-like.

I am pretty sore from our workout from Tuesday. Really looking forward to tomorrow's workout. Working out was always so boring to me, but Dan switching things up daily, if only slightly, makes it very exciting.

I am so thankful for the new friendships I have made! Love those girls!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Yellow Squash Saute

2 lbs yellow squash
1 large onion
2 tbsp oil
salt and pepper
1/4 cup water

Wash squash; trim ends. Slice in 1/8 inch slices and set aside. Cut onion in half and then in thin slices. In large skillet or saucepan, saute onion in oil over medium heat for 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat.

Add squash and 1/4 cup water. Return to head, cover and simmer 10-12 minutes or until squash looses crunch. Add salt and pepper; toss to mix.

Garlic Chicken

  • 2 teaspoons crushed garlic
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/4 cup dry bread crumbs
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
  2. Warm the garlic and olive oil to blend the flavors. In a separate dish, combine the bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese. Dip the chicken breasts in the olive oil and garlic mixture, then into the bread crumb mixture. Place in a shallow baking dish.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes, until no longer pink and juices run clear.

Day 36

Wow! 36 days already.

Dan, our personal trainer, worked us like crazy today. It was hard, but it felt good.

He asked us to come up with a weight loss goal for the next 4 weeks. Last month, I lost 10.5 pounds, so for this month's goal, I'm bumping it up to 12 pounds.


Have you checked out any of the recipes I have posted? I'm about to post some more. Yippy!